dijous, 18 de gener del 2018

Digital Humanities and some examples of projects related to this field

At its core, the Digital Humanities is the use of digital tools to gather, organize, analyze, and
present scholarly research in the humanities. Humanists seek to understand the world and
cultures in which people live and have lived through a variety of disciplines including literature,
English and other modern languages, philosophy, art, art history, and history. While many of the
questions humanists seek to answer have not changed, new technology, like text mining,
dynamic visualizations, and spatial analysis, provide humanists ways to ask new questions and
view old questions differently.

- Examples of successful DH projects

Cultural analytics
Cultural Analytics is an open-access journal dedicated to the computational study of culture. Its aim is to promote high quality scholarship that applies computational and quantitative methods to the study of cultural artifacts (text, image, sound) at significantly larger scales than traditional methods. It combines the very best of the humanities and the social and computational sciences. All these characteristics make this project a DH project. Cultural Analytics aims to challenge disciplinary boundaries and serve as the foundational publishing venue of a major new intellectual movement.

The Republic of Letters
The Republic of Letters seeks to visualize the social network of Enlightenment writers through an interactive map and visualization tools. Network analysis and data visualization is also used for reflections on the field itself – researchers may produce network maps of social media interactions or infographics from data on digital humanities scholars and projects.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This DH project is called Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, its dynamic reference work maintains academic standards while evolving and adapting in response to new research. This project has been promoted by the Stanford University and has been given several grants in order to make sure this project keeps working and the SEP team make this project evolve and improve. We can say this is a Digital Humanities project because it tries to make a humanities field like philosophy easier to access and study with the help of digital tools.

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Glossary with the keywords

- Schizophrenia: schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. - M...